Welcome to the Blogg page of Caoimhin Stares( Blogger Arturo Stess)

In my page you will find all my latest photographs that I have sent for publishing in my local news paper the Evening Advertiser.

I will be starting a monthly Genealogy page explaining how I have traced my family tree over the last 16 years.

As I build my page I will be adding links to other topical websites.

There will also be a spot for thoughts of the day and Poetry.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

A Poem for your sad loss

Loves tender loss.
While raindrops whisper on your window pane.
And the wind blows through the trees,
Let just the love and joy we knew remain.
Remember me when gazing up at evening stars,
Looking down on you with sparkling eyes.
Remember me when awoken by early bird song,
And I will always be there on the sunrise smiling down on you.

And when alone and your thoughts do turn to me,
Know that I would not have you cry.
But live and laugh with our friends for me.
Always remember when you are feeling sad,
That I will be there with you to help you remember how to smile.
And while you live I shall never die.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Sundays are my favourite time of the week
I am not a religious type - more a Nature type
But walking the dogs with my lovely wife and soul mate Susan
Is probably as close as I get to having a religious experience
Walking out in the open fresh air in all weathers
Capturing natures best scenery and creatures
Sharing my experiences with family and others
Today was exceptionally special as this was the first proper sunny day of spring
This brought out all the spring flowers and the lovely song birds
Making our walk even more spiritual and relaxing.
We had a very lovely sunny spring day today
The dogs were walked around Spring Fields and the Arboretum at Coate
Below are some lovely photos capturing today's gift of Spring Sunshine
Lets hope for many more sunny days to warm these old bones

Blue Tit sitting in a Willow tree

Last years fallen hero's

Bumble Bee taking off

Blue Tit sitting in a willow tree

Robin singing in the spring sunshine

Robin sunning itself in the spring sunshine

Bumble Bee feeding on a Pussey Willow Bud